SpaceBass: Europe 2004
Portland > Frankfurt > Nice > Cannes > Monaco > Nice > Paris > London > Amsterdam >
   Frankfurt > Portland
Page One > Two > Frankfurt

Hello, and welcome to SpaceBass's Happy Fun Travelogue and House of Spleens (please excuse the mess while we remodel). I'm sure you'll find everything you need if you just poke around a bit.

My friend Roger and I had the chance to head back to Europe for a reunion tour of our trip four years ago. That's right, we travel to Europe every U.S. presidential election year, a tradition dating back to, um, four years ago. Imagine, if you will, our excitement at the prospect of living for two weeks immersed in the diverse cultures of millions of people living in multiple countries in several geographic locations spanning an entire continent, most of which said people currently despise us, we being americans.

Needless to say, we were STOKED!

We gathered at my apartment on the morning of May 15, 2004, to set off on our epic journey across time and space! Except our plane didn't leave until 4:30 p.m., so we had a bit of time to kill.

The first order of business was to document what we looked like before we left, in anticipation of all the huge changes we were about to endure. Actually, the first order of business was to crack open a couple of beers, down them quickly, and start in on a couple more. Thus, sufficiently lubed, we began our quest to take the perfect "before" photos. It was a long, hard quest...a bit of a slog actually...a long, hard questing slog in which we took and discarded many pictures and, naturally, failed miserably, giving up in favor of our favorite iterations, which we affectionately referred to as "Fuck it, use the last ones." Ét Voilà!


Look, there's a photo of Roger too! Please take note that this is about as happy as Roger will ever look, and generally it will have to do with whether or not there is a beer in his hand. This was handy, for we planned to drink our respective ways across the European continent. And what better place to begin such lofty foreign relations than at home, I ask you?

Page One > Two > Frankfurt
Portland > Frankfurt > Nice > Cannes > Monaco > Nice > Paris > London > Amsterdam >
   Frankfurt > Portland