SpaceBass: Europe 2004
Portland > Frankfurt > Nice > Cannes > Monaco > Nice > Paris > London > Amsterdam >
   Frankfurt > Portland
Page One > Two > Three > Four > Five > SixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenNice
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Just to be ornery, after I got Roger all excited about locating some tasty beverages, I lagged behind and took one last photo of the rest of the city past the stadium. I figured I'd found the main road that had funneled all of those sweet cars by us earlier at the beer stand.

Mmmm, beer stand. Back to that quest!

On our way (hopefully) back the way we had come, we found a spot with a nice shot of the main straightaway of the racetrack, a long, stepped hill. There was a gigantic video screen mounted behind the straightaway that was displaying the progress of the practice race from far better angles than we'd been able to get. In fact, our view of the TV screen right then was better than our view of the race, as is amply demonstrated by our handy video record below.

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Click Image to View Video (9.9MB Quicktime)

See how the video screen is much more entertaining to watch than the tiny little specks shooting up the straightaway at approximately 9, 16, 18, 22, 25, and 29 seconds? Yeah, it was about the same way in person, too. Except a shitload louder, especially when they went roaring up the straightaway.

Click to Enlarge  

We turned down another path and found ourselves headed down a tunnel of moss and overhanging cacti. The slope carried us down quickly and we emerged to find, what else, that we were back on the wrong side of the palace again! Dammit! How does that happen?!

I quickly slipped our map into Roger's back pocket, then blamed him for always getting us lost.

Page One > Two > Three > Four > Five > SixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenNice
Portland > Frankfurt > Nice > Cannes > Monaco > Nice > Paris > London > Amsterdam >
   Frankfurt > Portland