SpaceBass: Europe 2004
Portland > Frankfurt > Nice > Cannes > Monaco > Nice > Paris > London > Amsterdam >
   Frankfurt > Portland
Page One > Two > Three > Four > Five > SixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenNice

Due to our unfortunate sobriety, however, we ended up wandering aimlessly around the gardens awhile longer. Down the cliff a bit on the side of the hill facing the obscene cruise ship pr0n, was a tidy gaming area. Access was clearly to be had by way of some secret passage from within the mount, but we were just as clearly not to have access to the secret passage. Bah, we didn't want to play stupid tennis anyway. Or ping-pong! Damn you, Monte Carlo!

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Roger's anger got the best of him and he was forced to go fertilize the restrooms again. I amused myself while awaiting his return by taking pictures of my feet in various striking poses, and then deleting them. I also made a stop-motion electronic flip-book with photos of my own hand slowly reaching menacingly for the camera.

I don't handle boredom or sobriety well.

After Roger came back and grabbed my camera away from me, thereby jerking me back into sad reality, we continued on our quest to get the hell off this hill and find the Exotic Gardens. But every sign we saw seemed to point in a different direction! It was all madness and chaos and crippling thirst for beer until we stumbled upon our savior, Dr. Albert Schweitzer. From his hiding place in the shadows of the shrubbery, Dr. Schweitzer told us the secrets of life and the way down, all for the very reasonable charge of us running away before he could tell us what the price was.

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We rolled on down the hill, our route very coincidentally retracing the way we'd come up. Once we were back in town, we searched until we found a camera shop that carried memory cards compatible with my camera, as we'd discovered at the top of the hill that the brand new spare I'd purchased before, and specifically for, this trip did, indeed, not work at all. Bastards!

After that ordeal I got hungry, so we located a little delicatessen that sold baguette sandwiches and bought a couple, one of which I ate while we weaved our way through the town center so we could climb back up the hill with the train station on it, for the Exotic Gardens were high, high above the station on the hill. Yes, another goddamn hill.

Page One > Two > Three > Four > Five > SixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenNice
Portland > Frankfurt > Nice > Cannes > Monaco > Nice > Paris > London > Amsterdam >
   Frankfurt > Portland